JSP-COBOL is a program design language, supported by a DOS command-line processor produced by Michael Jackson Systems Limited, which converts JSP-COBOL programs into conventional COBOL. Like PDF and JSP Tool, JSP-COBOL provides a syntax for defining JSP structures.
However unlike PDF and JSP-TOOL, JSP-COBOL also supports definition of a JSD implementation as a network of programs connected by notional files. JSP-COBOL can implement notional file connections by program inversion, thus giving the design advantages of simple serial file handling programs without any of their inefficiency. As the name implies, JSP-COBOL is specific to the COBOL progamming language.
JSP-COBOL file structure
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. module-name. { rest-of-identification-division } ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. [CONFIGURATION-SECTION.] [INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.] [FILE-CONTROL.] { cobol-select-sentence | notional-select-sentence } ... [IMPLEMENTATION SECTION.] DATA DIVISION. [SUBSCHEMA-SECTION.] [FILE SECTION.] { file-description-entry {record-description-1} ... } [WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.] [LINKAGE SECTION.] PROCEDURE DIVISION. { operations-conditions-strucutre }
JSP-COBOL was sold in the late 1970's and early 1980's by Michael Jackson Systems Limited. It is no longer available to buy or supported.
The Jackson Workbench suite is a complete replacement for the JSP-COBOL tool. In addition the stand-alone Structure Editor component of Workbench is able to read JSP structures from JSP-COBOL files. Full support options are available for these products.