Structure Editor : User Interface : Tool-bar


The tool-bar provides single access for commonly used operations. The toolbar can be dragged off to a floating bar (to dock just press the close button). Instant help for any button can be obtained simply by hovering the mouse over it until a tool-tip "bubble" appears describing its purpose. Alternatively here is a complete list of each button's purpose :-

Creates a new structure file - equivalent to the File | New menu option (*)
Opens an existing structure file - equivalent to the File | Open menu option (*)
Saves the current structure file to the same file - equivalent to the File | Save menu option (*)
Closes the current structure file - equivalent to the File | Close menu option (*)
Closes the all open structure files - equivalent to the File | Close All menu option (*)
Sends the current structure to the printer - equivalent to selecting File | Print Structure and then choosing Printer
Displays the structure tree (as opposed to the header or trailer) for as structure
Displays the header (text) editor for as structure file (if it has one)
Displays the trailer (text) editor for as structure file (if it has one)
Selects the default window arrangement
Selects the window arrangement where the two pass-over areas are removed
Selects the window arrangement where the operation and condition lists are removed
Selects the window arrangement when only the structure editing area is visible
Resets the window arrangement to the default proportions
Zooms-in on the structure
Zooms-out on the structure
Sets the zoom-level to high
Sets the zoom-level to normal
Sets the zoom-level to small
Sets the zoom-level to very small
Sets the zoom-level so that the whole structure is visible
Switched between Normal and Page views
[Normal View] When selected the operation and condition dragging "bars" are displayed
[Normal View] When selected lines are drawn from quits nodes to their return points
[Normal View] When deselected leaf-nodes containing operations are hidden for clarity
[Page View] When selected page-breaks are ignored and the pages are layed-out like wallpaper
[Page View] Increases the amount of structure on each page (decreased zoom)
[Page View] Decreases the amount of structure on each page (increased zoom)
Displays these on-line help pages - equivalent to the Help | Help Topics menu option


* The options for opening, saving and closing files can be removed from the tool-bar if required. This is achieved from the General options page.