Structure Editor : User Interface : Editing : Panning & Zooming


If a structure is too large to be shown all at once in the Tree Editing Area you can pan around to see the rest of it. There are a number of ways to do this: Before using the mouse wheel or the cursor keys to pan, you must assign the focus to the Tree Editing Area by clicking in it first.

Note that there are two modes of panning with the cursor keys:


Zooming in and out can be performed using menu items from the Tree Editing Area right-click pop-up menu, or by using buttons on the toolbar: There are also buttons for a number of preset zoom factors: And finally there is: If you zoom out so far that the box names are too small to be seen clearly, a text box appears in the bottom-left corner of the Tree Editing Area. The name of the box currently under the mouse is displayed in this area:

If you zoom out even further, the box names are eventually omitted from the boxes: