Structure Editor : User Interface : Editing : Creating / Opening Files

Existing files can be opened either by the File | Open menu item, or by the button on the toolbar. The Structure Editor can open the following types of files:

The Structure Editor ignores case when examining file extensions.

The .PDFX format is a Keywood Computer Services extended version of PDF that allows a header as well as a trailer to be stored.

Historically, some users have always used the extension .JSP for JSP Tool files. Similarly, other users have used the same extension, .JSP, for JSP-COBOL files. In order that the Structure Editor can work with existing files without requiring extension changes, it can be configured to associate the .JSP extension with either JSP Tool or JSP-COBOL files. If this is applicable to you, then your copy of the Structure Editor will have been configured appropriately by Keywood Computer Services before delivery. When the Structure Editor starts, it displays a message in the command window saying how it will treat .JSP extensions.

New files can be created either by the File | New menu item of by the button on the toolbar.

When you try to create a new file using either of these methods, the first thing that happens is that you are presented with a 'Save As' file dialog box. The reason this happens at this stage is that it forces you to enter a file name with an extension, and this tells the Structure Editor what kind of file you want to work with - e.g. PDF, JSP Tool etc. The Structure Editor needs to know the file type right from the start because it has implications for the way it works subsequently - for example in PDF files each tree node has a three-line fixed width label, but in JSP Tool and JSP-COBOL files each tree node has a one-line variable width label).