Batch Converter : Control Panel

The Control Panel area of the Batch Converter is used to control what conversion and optional processing will be performed. Note this is used in conjunction with the Options dialog which is launched either from the Options menu (when run stand-alone), or from the Tools menu of the integrated Keywood Workbench application. It is sub-divided into five sections.

Conversion Section
This section controls what conversion is performed, it has four controls :-
- Include sub-dirs - when set files sub-directories are recursively searched when adding files to the batch
- Copy libraries - displays the Copy Library dialog which allows selection of JSP-Cobol copy libraries
- Source Type - allows the source file format for the conversion to be selected
- Target Type - allows the target file format for the conversion to be selected

Output Section
This section controls where the output files are placed and how the output is displayed, it has three controls :-
- Display output windows - when set the conversion output for each file is displayed in a separate window
- Output to source directories - when set the conversion output is placed alongside the source files
- Base Dir - used when the above setting is disabled to specify the path where output is to be placed

Comparison Section
This section controls the optional output comparison facility, it has three controls :-
- Comparison Type - either None, Lexical or Full determines what comparison will be performed
- File Extension - gives the file extension of files to compare against
- Relative Directory - gives the relative path to the comparison files

Progress Section
This section displays the progress of the conversion and comparison processes :-
- Current File - displays the name of the file currently being converted or compared
- Files Converted - shows how many files have been converted so far
- Generation Warnings - shows the total number of conversion warnings raised so far
- Generation Errors - shows the total number of conversion errors raised so far
- Compared OK - shows how many files have been compared with no differences

Control Section
The final section consists of two buttons that control the conversion/comparison process :-
- Convert - starts the conversion process, all files in the current batch will be converted (and optionally compared)
- Cancel - cancels the conversion process (note this will cancel the batch once the current file has finished being converted/compared

As an example consider the following directory structure :-


If the Source Type is set to JSP Tool and the Include sub-dirs checkbox is set, then simply adding the C:\test directory to the batch will cause both the jsptool files (but not the pdf file) to be added to the batch. With the Target Type set to COBOL, the Comparison Type set to None, and the Output to source directories checkbox set, selecting Convert will cause two files to be created :-


To perform a full comparison with the baseline files, we set Comparison Type to Full, File Extension to .cbl and Relative Directory to ..\baseline.