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Jackson Workbench

The KCSL Jackson Workbench is a suite of modern CASE tools that support the Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) and Jackson System Development (JSD) software development methods devised by Michael A. Jackson.

The tools that comprise the Jackson Workbench can operate independently or as an integrated Workbench. They provide direct replacements for legacy tools such as PDF, JSP Tool, JSP-COBOL and JSP-MACRO. While those tools are no longer actively supported, with the Jackson Workbench ongoing support is assured, thus protecting your investment.

A Jackson Structure

The Jackson Workbench tools allow software structure to be designed graphically e.g. using JSP Structure Diagrams, JSD System Implementation Diagrams, and for the software source code to then be automatically generated.

The Jackson Workbench facilitates ongoing development and maintenance of software developed using earlier tools, and also new software development using these respected methods, for example in the Java programming language.

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